ReactJS | Calculator App ( Introduction )
We have seen so far what React is and what it is capable of. To summarise in brief we got to know what React web apps are, React Components, Props, States, and the lifecycle of a React component. We also created a basic clock application using all of the following. But React is a javascript library to build flexible User Interfaces, and we have not created any so far. So it is time for us to step into the real world of React by creating a simple yet impactful project....
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90+ React Projects with Source Code [2024]
React, managed by Facebook and a vibrant community of developers and companies, is a JavaScript library designed to craft dynamic user interfaces. It empowers developers with concepts like React web apps, components, props, states, and component lifecycles. With a primary focus on building single-page web or mobile applications, ReactJS revolutionizes the way interactive interfaces are developed....
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Create a Stop Watch using ReactJS
We can create Stop Watch in ReactJS using the following approach. Our StopWatch will have the functionality of Start, Pause, Resume and Reset....
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ReactJS Calculator App (Building UI)
We created our first app and deleted all those files we did not need, and created some of the files that we will need in the future. Now as we stand in our current situation we have a blank canvas before us where we will have to create our calculator app....
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30+ Web Development Projects with Source Code [2024]
This Web Development Projects article provides you with an overview of different web development projects with Source Code and ideas, categorized by different types of web technologies....
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Blog app using ReactJS
In this article, we have created the blog app using react js, First of all, we have created the project name blog by entering the command npx create-react-app blog and installing all modules. Then we create the folder name component under src and make two jsx file post.jsx and posts.jsx and styling the jsx component by post.css and posts.css. And last we import the component into App.js and styling the main into App.css....
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ReactJS Calculator App (Adding Functionality)
Now, we had built the structure of our UI, but we haven’t added styles to it either we have added any functionality. So, in this article, we will try to make our Calculator app fully functional. Once our app becomes functional, we will add CSS to style the App....
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ReactJS Calculator App ( Structure )
In our previous article, we have talked about a Calculator app we are going to develop and also have seen a glimpse of our final project. In this article, we will get our hands ready to start the development of our first application. We have told this earlier also that every application we will develop in React will be made up of pieces called components. We can see a UI broken down into multiple individual pieces called components and work on them independently and merge them all in a parent component which will be your final UI. So let’s now try to break down the UI of calculator App into smaller pieces. We will get the following elements after breaking the UI into small pieces:...
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Currency converter app using ReactJS
In this article, we will be building a very simple currency converter app with the help of an API. Our app contains three sections, one for taking the user input and store it inside a state variable, a menu where users can change the units of conversion, and finally a display section where we display the final results....
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CRUD Operations and File Upload using Node.js and MongoDB
Within the computer programming world, CRUD is an elision for the 4 operations Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) are the four basic functions that models should be able to do, at most. In RESTful applications, CRUD often corresponds to the HTTP methods like  POST, PUT, DELETE, and GET respectively. Each database requires some functions to be called so that users can perform some operations. These operations are used by the users to perform certain types of queries on a particular data within the database. The basic of the operation is CRUD operations.  CRUD operations and the File Upload will be done with the help of the Node js framework and its packages along with MongoDB and Postman....
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How to create a Color-Box App using ReactJS?
Basically we want to build an app that shows the number of boxes which has different colors assigned to each of them. Each time the app loads different random colors are assigned. when a user clicks any of the boxes, it changes its color to some different random color that does not equal to its previous color value....
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Create a Form using React JS
Creating a From in React includes the use of JSX elements. We will be using a functional component to render the elements. Various HTML elements are created in the project. To implement the project we will create the styling using CSS....
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